Friday, 13 February 2015

Enjoy...Valentine's Day

14 February, a day when it is traditional to send a card, often anonymously, to a person you are romantically involved with or attracted to.

That is what valentines day is all about, according to the dictionary.

But I'm really intrigued as to where it has all come from? Why is it important? Should we show the people that mean a lot to us, how much they mean to us, all year round? Not just on Valentines?

I can remember as a kid, sneaking out the house and nipping to the shop to buy a card and a bar of galaxy. Then nervously trying to sneak it in to my crush's draw at school without anyone noticing. I did that for years, to the same guy. I did get one in return one year, but he took it off me and gave it to his new girl friend. Who was my friend. Remember the days of swapping boyfriends with your mates at school. ha ha....makes me laugh now.

Where has it all come from?

  • It originated from a Roman fertility festival called Lupercelia which would happen in February.
  • Until the church chose mid Feb for St Valentines day and it became Christianised.
  • But who is St Valentine? Know one really knows because there were many at the time. However one in particular received the death sentence for performing banned marriage in secret as Claudius II believed Roman soldiers were better off being single. 
  • Pope Gelatinous declared Feb 14th as St Valentines Day honouring the memory of the big softie.
  • In the 1300's the day became more associated with love and romance believing that this is the first day of the year that birds began to mate.
  • The 15th Century saw Valentines greetings starting to emerge.
  • Cards and letters began to be passed around in the 17th Century


  • 1 billion cards are sent every year, that more than on any other holiday apart from Christmas.
  • 220 million roses are farmed and bought
  • 6 million couples think they are the most romantic in the world for proposing on this day, sadly they are not.
  • Chocolates and rated the number 1 gift to give, with flowers closely following at number 2.

What is LOVE?

I have been in a number of shoddy relationships, where I have thought I was 'In Love' and they returned that feeling. But since they have gone wrong due to them being more interested in other women (which I can only blame myself for and accept full responsibility) I have been rather confused about this 'Love' word. Surely, if you are in love with someone, they are everything to you? No one or nothing else should attract your attention or distract you? Am I wrong?

I'd really love some feedback on this. 

To me, when you Love someone
  • You think about them most of the time
  • You enjoy spending time with them and they become your best friend
  • You trust them and can talk about everything and anything
  • You want to share experiences with them 
  • If you are in need of help and advise, you would probably turn to them.
And also, it seems then 'I love you' is said so easily these days. Should it be an easy thing to say? Or should we take it more seriously?

So many questions!

So with all of this in mind and assuming that this is THE day to show the person you 'Love' how much they mean to you. What could you do?

  • Give your lover a dozen roses—with a creative twist. Give eleven red roses and one white rose. Attach a note that reads: “In every bunch there’s one who stands out—and you are that one.”
  • Get your partner a wristwatch. Inscribe it with: “I always have time for you.”
  • Attach a £50 note or giftcard to a Victoria’s Secret catalog, along with a note to him saying, “You choose.”
  • It’s romantic—but commonplace—to eat dinner by candlelight. So here’s a change of pace: Eat breakfast by candlelight.
  • Take your lover on a surprise two-week vacation to Paris.
  • Many couples have “His” and “Hers” matching towels, but here are some other ideas: “His” and “Hers” matching silk pajamas, motorcycles, T-shirts, overnight bags (have them packed at all times), rocking chairs, Porsches (millionaires need love, too), heart-shaped tattoos, tennis rackets, beach towels.

So please do share your thoughts and opinions with me, I am interested and intrigued at what others do. 

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